История профсоюзов

1 ∞ // 8 наим.

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Бб // 39 наим.

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Гг // 50 наим.

Дд // 22 наим.

Ее // 6 наим.

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Зз // 21 наим.

Ии // 26 наим.


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Лл // 36 наим.

Мм // 54 наим.

Нн // 28 наим.

Оо // 25 наим.

Пп // 82 наим.

Рр // 58 наим.

Сс // 73 наим.

Тт // 23 наим.

Уу // 32 наим.

Фф // 9 наим.

Хх // 7 наим.


Чч // 12 наим.

Шш // 15 наим.

Щщ // 1 наим.

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Юю // 2 наим.

Яя // 6 наим.

Aa // 4 наим.

Bb // 1 наим.

Сс // 4 наим.

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Ll // 8 наим.

Mm // 1 наим.

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Oo // 1 наим.

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Ss // 7 наим.

Tt // 7 наим.

Uu // 1 наим.

Ww // 1 наим.

/ Главная / Фонд КЛИО (Культура. Литература. История. Общество) / Библиотека Фонда КЛИО / Ss // 7 наим.

Schneider M. A Brief History of the German Trade Unions. - Bonn, 1991


Schneider Michael (b. 1944) / Шнайдер Михаэль (р. 1944)
Translated by Barrie Selman / Перевод Барри Селмана
Bonn: Dietz, 1991. - 422 p. / Бонн: Дитц, 1991. - 422 с.
Тираж не указан


"Краткая история немецких профсоюзов" Михаэля Шнайдера нацелена прежде всего на читателя с небольшими познаниями по теме, желающего как лучше узнать историю немецкого профдвижения, так и познакомиться с его текущей проблематикой. Книга предлагает всеобъемлющий, проблемно-ориентированный и к тому же легко читаемый очерк. Исследование является первым в своём роде систематическим обзором истории профсоюзного движения, доведённым до событий в Бундес-республике 1980-х годов. Есть также подробное приложение, содержащее статистические таблицы, позволяющее проследить развитие основных направлений профсоюзной организации и политики профсоюзов.

Читать полный текст книги в PDF

Оглавление (на англ. яз.)


I. Industrialization, the development of the working class and the beginnings of the trade union movement around the middle of the nineteenth century. (Читать в PDF)

  1. Industrialization and the emergence of the working class: the development of the “social question”
  2. Towards the formation of the first trade unions
  3. Organizational setbacks in the reactionary 1850s

II. The rise of the labour movement in the 1860s and 1870s. (Читать в PDF)

  1. The emergence of class society
  2. The breakthrough
  3. The trade unions and the struggle between the parties
  4. Crisis in the trade unions and the beginnings of centrali­zation

III. Illegality: the trade unions under the Socialist Law 1878-1890. (Читать в PDF)

  1. Political disenfranchisement and social policy: the Bismarckian state and the working class
  2. The trade unions go underground

IV. The unions under the Wilhelminian Empire: the breakthrough of mass organization 1890-1914. (Читать в PDF)

  1. The organization of industrial capitalism: the economic and social development of the Wilhelminian Empire
  2. Organizational problems on the road to the mass union
    The Free trade unions. - The Hirsch-Duncker trade associations. - The Christian trade unions. - Structural obstacles to organization. - Ideological and political divisions within the working class and the split in the trade union movement.
  3. Conflicts over the independence of the trade unions
    Free trade unions and the SPD: from subordination to equality. - The Christian unions, the Catholic Church and the Centre Party: interdenominationalism and party political neutrality put to the test.
  4. Industrial struggle, collective agreements and social reform: trade union work under the Empire
  5. Trade union reform policy under the authoritarian state: a balance sheet

V. Upheaval: the trade unions in the First World War 1914-1918. (Читать в PDF)

  1. Beginnings of the political truce: for defence of the realm, peace through victory and social reform
  2. Towards political integration
  3. The trade union mass movement and non-union mass pro­test

VI. The struggle for a new political order: the trade unions in the early years of the Weimar Republic. (Читать в PDF)

  1. The trade unions in the revolution of 1918-19
  2. Policy changes and union reorganization, 1919-20
    The Free trade unions. - The Christian-national unions. - The Hirsch-Duncker associations. - International trade union confederations. - Mem­bership trends
  3. Back on the defensive: from the Kapp Putsch to inflation

VII. The trade unions’ role in constructing the social state 1924-1930. (Читать в PDF)

  1. Heading for the “social state”? The middle years of the Weimar Republic
  2. The unions’organizational consolidation
  3. The beginnings and limits of a joint programme of all the national union federations
  4. Into the crisis: the Ruhr iron dispute 1928

VIII. In the shadow of the Depression: the dissolution of the trade unions 1930-1933. (Читать в PDF)

  1. The Depression and the weakening of the trade union orga­nizations
  2. Powerless in the crisis
    The collapse of the Grand Coalition in March 1930. - The “Brüning Era”: fruitless tolerance and loyalty. - Against the Papen Cabinet: powerless opposition. - The Schleicher cabinet: a last-minute attempt at stabilization
  3. The trade unions in the Weimar Republic: a balance sheet

IX. Under the National Socialist dictatorship: persecution, resist­ance and exile 1933-1945. (Читать в PDF)

  1. Between protest and compliance: the end of the trade unions under the National Socialists
  2. The social order of the “Führer state”
  3. Trade unionists in the resistance and in exile

X. Between hopes of reconstruction and restoration: the re­establishment of the trade unions 1945-1949. (Читать в PDF)

  1. From local beginnings to national organizations
  2. Trade union work under occupation law
  3. The foundation of the German Trade Union Federation
  4. The post-war period - a “wasted opportunity”?

XI. Social successes and political defeats: the trade unions in the years of the “economic miracle” 1950-1965. (Читать в PDF)

  1. The disputes over the Law on Co-determination in the Coal and Steel Industry and the Company Statute Law
  2. The unions’ share in the “economic miracle”: policy on wages, working hours and social welfare
    The economic trend. - Pay policy: a fair wind. - Heading for the 40-hour week. - Strike policy. - Decisions of principle on social policy
  3. The trade unions as a political opposition
    Against rearmament and the issue of nuclear equip­ment to the Bundeswehr. - The start of the conflict over the emergency laws
  4. Under the impact of the “economic miracle”: social change, organizational problems and a new policy direction

XII. A new departure: the trade unions in the years of social reform 1966-1974/76. (Читать в PDF)

  1. Trade unions in politics: shared responsibility and a share in shaping events
    The Grand Coalition: fighting the crisis, social policy initiatives and the adoption of the emergency laws. - The first years of the Social-Liberal coalition: social reforms - aims and realities
  2. Collective bargaining: from a low profile, via spontaneous strikes to a more aggressive approach
  3. Good times for trade union organization: increase in mem­bership and heyday of the “co-operative economy”

XIII. Power and impotence of the trade unions in the crisis of the 1970s and 1980s. (Читать в PDF)

  1. Cyclical and structural crises, mass unemployment and organizational stagnation
  2. On to the political defensive
    The “Schmidt Era”: the start of an uphill struggle. - After the “watershed” of autumn 1982: on the side­lines
  3. The unions fall back on their own strength: collective bar­gaining on a collision course
  4. A phase of reorganization: problem areas in trade union policy

Conclusion: an appraisal of the achievements and prospects of trade union policy. (Читать в PDF)

Appendix. (Читать в PDF)

I. Tables

1. Membership of the national trade union federations

  • a) The Free, Christian and Hirsch-Duncker trade unions, 1868-1932
  • b) Free, Christian-national and Hirsch-Duncker salaried employees’federations 1920-1931
  • c) German Trade Union Federation (DGB) and German Sala­ried Employees’Union (DAG) 1951-1987

2. Industrial action

  • a) Industrial disputes in 1848, 1869, 1871-1882 and 1884-1890
  • b) Industrial disputes conducted by the Free trade unions, 1890-1898
  • c) Industrial disputes (strikes and lockouts) affecting workers in trade and industry 1899-1933
  • d) Industrial disputes 1949-87

3. Wages and salaries

  • a) Real wages of workers in trade and industry under the Empire 1871-1913
  • b) Real wages of workers in trade and industry under the Weimar Republic and the “Third Reich” 1925-39
  • c) Real gross hourly and weekly wages of workers in West Ger­man industry, 1950-78
  • d) Average gross wages of workers in industry in 1913-14 and 1925-86
  • e) Wage differences between the sexes in the textile industry, 1913-78

4. Working hours

  • a) Length of the working day and working week in industry, 1800-1918
  • b) The length of the working week in industry, 1919-83

5. Unemployment

  • a) Unemployment rates, 1887-1939
  • b) Unemployment rates, 1950-87

6. Structure of the labour force

  • a) Persons in paid employment by economic sector, 1882-1987
  • b) Employment categories 1895-1987

II. Bibliography

1. Bibliographies

2. Trade Union History

III. Abbreviations

IV. Glossary of other organizations

V. Index of Names

The Author

История профсоюзов, 2016 г.